Thursday 5 December 2013

Rev. Omolade's response to Okotie's Catholic statement

I have read with anguish your recent outburst against Catholics. I understand where you are coming from. Life is complex and when we meet with what we don’t understand, it is a lot easier to demonize it, castigate it and even reject it. I am sorry to tell you that none of these will make the Church go away.

Darkness can only be dispelled by light, hatred by love, falsehood by truth. Since it is obvious that your are still in the dark about Catholic doctrines and way of life, I am inviting you to our religious class and I hope in humility you will submit yourself to this process of education so that you will not continue to grope in the darkness of your ignorance.
In the past, the argument was that Catholics don’t read Bible, but that argument has fizzled away when Catholics themselves have risen to the occasion to show that having been instrumental in the collection of the books into the unit we now call Bible, having been blessed with veritable tradition of great men and women who have studied the bible down through the ages, Catholics are indeed well versed in the Bible and probably better grounded than many other people.

The Catholic Church is rooted in the bible so are her doctrines… Mary, that extraordinary creature of God is at the same time the mother of my God and hopefully yours as well. As one Saint puts it, “If Mary is not your mother, then the Devil must be your father”. Do you really count yourself among the generation of people that will call her blessed? (Luke 2 ) Can you be numbered among those who will be privileged to behold Mary as their mother? “Woman, behold your son, Son, behold your mother”

The accusations of Chris Okotie are spurious… “Catholics bow to idols! How many people in his own life has he bowed to? How many people bow to him? Is he worshiping them or do they worship him?

The most outrageous claim is his denial of Jesus in the Eucharist. Thank God he knows that Catholics believe and profess strongly their belief in Jesus in the Eucharist. That belief is not man-made; it is based on Christ’s teaching. For the avoidance of doubt, readers should read John 6 in its entirety. I will give a bit of summary here. “I am the living bread which has come down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is my flesh for the life of the world.” Jn 6:51. Later Jesus went on to say that “In all truth I tell you, if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” Jn 6:53 If Pastor Chris does not practice this veritable injunction of Christ, how can he say he is a true Christian? This doctrine and practice that is central to Catholicism has always been a hard teaching, even when Jesus said it, many could not accept it and left him. It seems Pastor Chris is one of those who could not accept the teaching of Jesus. Let him simply go out on his own without leading other astray.

It is therefore imperative for me to invite those who are currently denied the opportunity in their Churches to come to the Catholic Church and see how faithful the Church is to this great teaching of Christ. Christ meant it; the Catholics have celebrated it for more than 2000 years. There is no alternative to it. You are either for Christ or against it. Otherwise, if you deny the practice, then you make Christ a liar.

My dear Pastor Chris, Catholics are destined for heaven for it is their main goal in life…. To know God, to love God, to serve God in this life so as to be happy with him forever in heaven. However based on God’s words, we know some people need purification and trusting in God’s love and mercy, we know these people will not be rejected for all eternity. This is a truth based on God’s word. Please read 1 Cor 3:10-15

By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. 11 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, 13 their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. 14 If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. 15 If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames.

The passage obviously talks about purification that Catholics refer to in the doctrine of purgatory. Even after death, the All-powerful God is still able to save some people. His ways are not our ways. So leave God to be God and do his work. Then in 1 John 5:15-17 we read that some sins do not lead to death and people with these will be saved… of course after purification by God himself.

To the general readers, especially those who attend Pastor Chris’s church read what scripture says “We accept human testimony, but God’s testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God, which he has given about his Son. 10 Whoever believes in the Son of God accepts this testimony. Whoever does not believe God has made him out to be a liar, because they have not believed the testimony God has given about his Son. 1 John 5:9-10 do not just believe because Pastor Chris tells u so… search the Scripture and the truth will set you free. God bless you as you make your way back home…to mother Church, the Catholic Church.

Friday 29 November 2013

Dayo Ladega emerges winner of the Oral-B Mouth App test


It was all smiles once again, as the Oral-B Winning Mouth App test produced another winner. Dayo Ladega emerged as the week’s top scorer in the Winning Mouth App designed to help Nigerians assess their oral care and develop healthy oral hygiene habits.


 Dayo, a graduate of Biology from the Lagos State University, currently works at a car rental company in Ikeja. She is mother to a lovely son, wife to an amazing husband, baby to her parents and two beautiful sisters. She is a hapless enthusiast, a funny character, wearing a witty impressionable smile, a long standing follower of Tuface Idibia (way before twitter, hash-tags or trends ) and a die-hard lover of rice and plantain, a meal she feels trumps pounded yam and Egusi soup, Amala and Ewedu and any foreign delicacy. While on air she rhetorically asked Dotun, “Do you know anybody who hates rice and plantain?” A question that is hard to answer with a no.


Dayo spoke about how she came across the ‘Winning Mouth’ competition online and the fact she had always been an admirer of the Oral-B brand. She gushed out her appreciation when she was given the year long supply. “I will be very sincere with you guys, I had never used Oral-B products before I won the Winning Mouth App test, I took the test online out of curiosity and also to test myself on basic hygiene and I was surprised when the Oral-B team called to tell me I had won.”


She let go of her vivacious personality on her ‘15 minutes of Fame’ with OAPs, Dotun and Temi, of Cool FM, expressing her love for her son Olabode, insisting he owns her heart now with his bright smile and silent chuckles. The OAPs fought a battle of the sexes, as the men in the studio clamoured for her to love her husband more, and the ladies claimed there was an inherent connection between mother and child that made every other relationship come second place, she immediately issued a disclaimer that her love for her husband will never wane in a thousand years, he is her sun and her moon (Aww! such a helpless romantic).


After winning herself a year supply of Oral-B All Round Protection toothpaste and a special goody bag available to all winners of the ‘Winning Mouth’ competition, 15 minutes of Fame on Cool FM radio, Dayo told the OAPs “I am so excited about the year supply. I have enough to share with my family and friends. I will call Oral-B officials after the year supply is exhausted and tell them as an ambassador that I need more supply.”

IMG_9333 (1)

 On a final note, she was full of appreciation to her husband for allowing her make and soak-in the thrill of her 15 minutes of fame. According to Dayo, her husband expressed concerns when she got the call that she had won. “My husband was so inquisitive when I told him I won a competition on Facebook. He said it was likely another case of fraudsters trying to swindle us out of cash, he even put a call through to the Oral-B officials to authenticate the claims, and I’m glad they were able to convince him further. I want to encourage many more Nigerians to participate in the competition.”


The Winning Mouth competition is an interactive Oral-B forum on Facebook meant to engage consumers, assess their oral care habits and help them change unhealthy ones for better and more effective habits. The competition is billed to run for one month on


Speaking on the Winning mouth campaign, Ayotomiwa Ajewole Procter & Gamble’s Brand Communications and Consumer Relations Manager explained the purpose of the consumer engagement effort. “The test is a dental self-care assessment tool filled with hygiene tips designed with the aid of renowned oral care dentists worldwide aimed at helping Nigerians develop healthier and stronger teeth”, he said.


Tuesday 9 April 2013

Do not ignore! Please read! Adulterated drugs and Alcoholic Beverages in town!

After complaining of certain health issues, the physician made some prescriptions for Mrs. Bola Okunola. Among the drug list was blood tonic. She promptly took it to her trusted neighbourhood pharmacy. The superintendent pharmacist dispensed the drugs, with full explanations on how to use them.

Unknown to Okunola, the blood tonic was more of a poison. She narrates, "In less than 30 minutes after I ingested it, my entire body system went berserk. I developed diarrhoea and, at a point, I started feeling faint.

"My husband rushed me to the hospital, with the drugs in our hands. On presentation, the doctor singled out the blood tonic as the 'culprit,' saying it was counterfeit.

"He gave me further treatment which eased off the counterfeit drug's effects. Later, I took the blood tonic to the pharmacist. He was surprised, but he confirmed what the doctor had said. He apologised and gave me a replacement.

"He also said it sometimes happens that, in a pack of 20 bottles or packets of drugs, one may turn out to be a counterfeit and that, that was what happened in the case under review.

"I've always known that counterfeit drugs abound all over the place, and that's why I'm careful to buy my drugs in registered pharmacies. But now, I will be more careful."

Though Okunola is lucky to have remained alive, many people have not been so lucky, as they have been maimed or killed outright, after taking what was meant to relieve their symptoms.

The World Health Organisation defines a counterfeit medicine as one "which is deliberately and fraudulently mislabelled with respect to identity and/or source." This applies to both branded and generic products.

Those death-in-the-bottles/packs come in different hues. They may be products without active ingredients, representing 32.1 per cent of global fake pharmaceutical burden; they may have incorrect quantities of active ingredients (20.2 per cent); wrong ingredients (21.4 per cent), correct quantities of active ingredients but with fake packaging (15.6 per cent); copies of an original product (one per cent); or they may be products with high levels of impurities and contaminants (8.5 per cent).

The Director-General of the National Agency for Food Drug Administration and Control, Dr. Paul Orhii, last Thursday, decried the activities of counterfeit drug manufacturers and importers when the agency paraded six suspects at its Lagos office, among whom was a trained pharmacist -- a middle-aged mother of four.

While NAFDAC has earned global commendation for reducing to five per cent the incidence of fake/counterfeit drugs in urban areas in Nigeria, the battle to save pharmaceutical products users from crooks is still intense in rural areas, where you have concentration of people with low level of education and poor means of livelihood.

What drugs are most likely to be counterfeited? Orhii answers, "They are drugs that are always in demand, and they include antimalarials, antibiotics, pain killers, HIV/AIDS medications, drugs for erectile dysfunction, cancer drugs, as well as medications for psychiatric issues."

Experts say using a counterfeit version of any drug could make you sicker, as it will not cure the ailment. Worse still, they warn, the drugs may be tainted with unconventional or some other dangerous ingredients and toxic compounds.

What are the likely ingredients in a counterfeit drug? Orhii proffers an answer, "They include heavy metals like mercury, aluminium, lead, cadmium, arsenic, chrome, uranium, strontium and selenium.

"Another is actual poison, such as polychlorinated biphenyl (aka PCB, which has been banned in U.S. since 1979), benzopyrenes, rat poison, boric acid, and anti-freeze.

"Others may be common household items like floor wax, paint thinner, and wall paint."

Pharmacists even say some of these concoctions are not drugs at all, as they are just a potpourri of dextrose, dextrin, lactose, starch, saline and salt.

Decrying this trend at an earlier media encounter, the Chairman, Lagos State

Chapter of the Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria, Mr. Anieh Felix Anieh, says, "The result is that you are offered a drug you didn't ask for."

Lamenting the effects of fake drugs on users, he says, "They increase mortality and morbidity, engender drug resistance and loss of medicine efficacy, as well as loss of confidence in the health system and health workers."

He also says it leads to an economic loss for patients, their families, health system, and the producers/traders in good-quality medicines

Not only drugs are counterfeited; packaged foods, beers and wines (such as Red Label whisky, Johnny Walker, and Carlo Rossi) have joined the list, as evidenced by last week's interception of four trucks carrying suspected fake alcoholic beverages on the Lagos/Ibadan Expressway.

Three of the trucks, belonging to Ejulo Investments Limited, contained 3,547 cartons of McDowell Reserved Whisky; while the fourth contained 3,300 cartons of Gino tomato paste, belonging to Mr. Tochukwu Eze of 5, Oworeaja Street, Obosi, Anambra State.

Mr. Nne Ikenna of 5, Arochukwu Street, Ejigbo, Lagos, specialises in the manufacture and packaging of counterfeit drugs that include Zentel (a worm expeller) tablets and Lincocin (an antibiotic) capsules.

When security operatives and NAFDAC officials invaded his firm, they not only found fake drugs worth N31.2m, they also impounded rolls of aluminium foil, as well as dry-ink coding machines used for blister packaging and labelling.

The most surprising case is that of Mrs. Mary Awoyinka, who claims to hold a B.Sc in Pharmacy from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, having graduated in 1996.

She is the superintendent pharmacist of Uchest Pharmaceuticals Ltd. located variously in 9, Ekwulummri St., Iyiowa Odekpe Layout, Ogbara; and Block 237, Niger Head Bridge Market, Onitsha, both in Anambra State.

Before her arrest, she helped her clients to use forged Pharmacist Council Annual Licence to import a container of Dexacee tablets, and also for the retention of premises.

NAFDAC also alleges that Mr. Maduabuchi Abuzu of 21, Ashogbon Street, Idumota, Lagos, is a member of a syndicate in China which specialises in faking antimalaria drugs like Amalar, Coartem, Maloxine and Ibuprofen. Goods seized from him were valued at N19.5m.

Orhii offers some comfort, though: approved drugs not only have NAFDAC registration numbers, they also have certain codes that can be texted to 38353 for instant verification of originality and safety.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Dana Air Crashes Fares

Dana Air has crashed fares on its Lagos-Abuja-Lagos route to N15,300, the airline said in a statement on Tuesday, as it tries to regain passengers confidence since resuming flight operations on 4 January.
The airline said passengers can fly one-way Economy Class on its Lagos-Abuja-Lagos route for as low as N15, 300 throughout the month of April.
“We decided to open up seats for sale at N15,300 throughout the month of April as a mark of appreciation to our loyal guests, and also to offer more guests the opportunity to experience our world-class services,” Dana’s Head of Commercial, Obi Mbanuzuo, was quoted as saying.
Mbanuzuo said passengers are encouraged to take advantage of the special offer and purchase their tickets online.
Dana Air operates ten flights daily on the Lagos-Abuja-Lagos route and plans are underway to commence operations to other major Nigerian cities, the airline said.
Asked if the low fares had anything to do with low patronage as passengers remain wary following the 3 June plane crash, Tony Usidamen, Dana’s Head – Corporate Communications, said patronage has been very good.
“Many times, we went with full capacity. Our aircraft have a capacity of about 140 passengers and it’s been good. We do five daily flights to Abuja and five daily flights to Lagos and it’s been very good,” Usidamen said.
“This is just a reward. The month of April is usually seen as the month of bloom. It’s a month of opening and it’s a way of rewarding loyalty. It has nothing to do with lack of passengers,” he added.
The same fares go for as high as N35,000 on economy class on other airlines.

Lagos Airport Robbery: I Got N.5m, Pastor Confesses

Pastor John Ibikunle of the Way of Joy Ministry, Lagos, who was arrested by the police in connection with the robbery at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, MMIA, Lagos,  southwest Nigeria, has confessed that he was paid N500,000 by the robbers to administer oath on them.
Ibikunle was paraded with six other suspects and lots of ammunition  on Tuesday in Lagos, southwest Nigeria over the 13 March, 2013 robbery attack on the MMIA, which led to the killing of two policemen.
Ibikunle told P.M.NEWS that he  administered oath on the robbers and was paid N500, 000, saying that he was not at the airport when the robbery incident took place.
The father of four said he made a mistake and it was the handiwork of the devil for him to have joined the gang of robbers.
“I made a mistake to have joined them. I was paid N500,000. I don’t know how much was the overall money stolen at the airport. It is only the leader of the gang who is at large that knows.
“I know it is a sin to be involved in such a thing. I have confessed my sins to God. I regret this action. I am not the one that did the charm for them; I just administered oath on them,” he confessed.
The state Commissioner of Police, Umar Manko, had said it was Ibikunle, the supposed pastor who prepared the charm for the robbers so that they would not be caught in the act of robbery.
The police recovered from the suspects five AK 47 rifles, four dynamites, 64 AK 47 magazines, all fully loaded with 30 rounds totaling 1,920 live ammunition, Toyota Siena Space Bus, with registration number BDG 918  AG, two locally made pistols, two masks and several charms.
Other suspects paraded were Atoba Adeniyi, Ibrahim Abdullahi, Kazeem Aderibigbe, Saheed Adekunle, Christian Joshua and Saheed Okunola.
Manko said all the suspects confessed to have carried out the robbery attack on the MMIA last month and series of other robbery incidents across the country, saying that the police would go after others  still at large.

Thursday 7 February 2013

A White Cap Chief murdered in Lagos

Chief Onimole murdered A Lagos white cap chief and the Onimole of Lagos, Chief Kayode Adeshina, 73, has
been shot dead, by unidentified gunmen. Chief Adeshina was killed at 3 a.m today in his palace at 5, onimole Palace, Iga Idugaran Street, Isale Eko, Lagos Island, southwest Nigeria. One of his children who was in the palace when he was killed, Oyindamola Ikuforiji
disclosed that the gunmen came around 3 a.m and went straight to Chief Adeshina's
room.. "They held him down and pointed a gun at his head, and asked him for money but he
told them that he doesn't have money but his phone. "They took the phone and shot him. Baba was shouting for help as he bleed but
nobody came to his rescue. I was scared, I couldn't do anything.I was transfixed, the
men were shouting at me and my sister. We couldn't do anything. "When they were going, they shut all the doors and took the keys away. They later
came back to see Baba bleeding and left. "By the time helpers came and forced the door open, Baba had lost so much blood. "When we took him to a private hospital, doctors confirmed him dead, adding that he
had lost so much blood," the lady narrated. The eldest daughter of the deceased, Mrs. Mosaku Abiola also said
she cannot say whether her father's killing had to do with murder or robbery. She said police investigation will determine that. But she confirmed that her
grandmother's clothes were taken away by the gunmen. As at the time of filing this report, sympathisers and traditional title holders in Lagos,
including the Obanikoro of Lagos, were in the palace of the deceased consoling
members of his family.

Sunday 6 January 2013

Yoruba Culture Symbol, Ori Olokun Unveiled In Ile Ife Osun State

Osun state Governor Rauf Aregbesola on Saturday in Ile-Ifeunveiled an Ife ancestral monument, popularly called Ori-olokun, as part of activities marking the inauguration of Ori-olokun Garden .

The governor performed the unveiling of the huge Ori-Olokun sculpture at the Ori-Olokun Roundabout, formerly Mayfair Roundabout in Ile-Ife.
He described the monument as a precious heritage of the Yoruba race, and urged the people to protect and preserve it.

Mr Taiwo Olaiya, the Executive Secretary, Ife Central Local Government, under whose jurisdiction the garden is situated,also described the monument as the most famous in history.

According to him, Ori-Olokun monument was discovered in the early 20th century by German explorer Leo Frobenius. “Frobenius could not imagine that such works were of African origin and came up with the theory that this great art was evidence of the lost Atlantis of the Greeks. “He further declaredthat the Yoruba deity, Olokun, was the same god as the Greek Poseidon. “The monument was further identified as a modern sand casting of a brass, which comprises copper and zinc.

“The name, Olokun, attached to this head refers to the fact that it was dug up in the late 19th century in the Olokun Grove and used in annual rites to honour Olokun ,’’ he said.

An Ife priest, Chief Faloba Fagbenro, described Olokun as the goddess of the sea and patronage of bead making, which makes glass bead working an important industry in Ile-Ife .

He recalled that the head of Olokun (Ori Olokun) remained in the hands of the family responsible for the Olokun cult until Oni brought it to the palace for safekeeping in 1934.

The the terra-cotta head of Olokun has been replicated in strategic places of the world, including Latin America, and Europe. The image always brings back to memory the civilisation in the areas of art and technology that took place in Nigeria and Africa before the British invasion.

Veteran Guitarist for King Sunny Ade, Fatoke Abiodun arrested for Drug Trafficking | Allegedly Attempted to Transport Cocaine to Italy

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) made its first arrest of the new year and sadly, it was a member of the entertainment community. Fatoke Abiodun, a guitarist who worked with King Sunny Ade for 30 years was arrested on the 1st of January 2013.

He was attempting to board an Air France flight to Italy at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos. NDLEA Commander for the Lagos Airport, Hamza Umar said “We have made the first arrest in the new year. The suspect, a guitarist by name Fatoke Abiodun was found with 1.575kg of cocaine. The drug was discovered in the false bottom of his luggage during the outward screening of passengers to Italy.”

The 62 year old is financially responsible for his large family including 4 wives, many children and grandchildren. He will be charged to court for unlawful exportation and possession of narcotics. He is currently cooperating with investigators and has confessed to the crime and blamed his involvement in the drug trade on financial pressure after retirement.

He is quoted to have said “I played for King Sunny Ade for 30 years before I was unceremoniously retired in 2007. I was unprepared and without severance money I saw the bitter side of life…Because at my age I could not provide for my family. I am ashamed of myself.”

This case should be a deterrent for anyone who is tempted to get involved in the drug trade. It is not worth the disgrace and jail time.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

President Goodluck Jonathan's New Year Message to the Nation

Full Text of the President Jonathan's New Year's message

Fellow Nigerians,

1. I greet and rejoice with you all as we celebrate the advent of a new year.

2. I join you all in giving thanks to God Almighty for bringing us and our beloved nation safely through the past year to the beginning of 2013 which, by His Grace, will be a much better year for us and our country.

3. In keeping with tradition, it is usual for individuals, institutions and organizations to make resolutions and set agenda as a new year begins, to guide their actions in the coming months.

4. I have already given a clear indication of the Federal Government’s agenda for 2013 in recent pronouncements. Our objective for the year is to ensure by all possible means that more of the programmes and projects envisioned by this administration, and which are already being embarked upon are further brought on stream within the next 12 months to meet the yearnings of our people, and raise the quality of life.

5. We have in the last year achieved a lot in terms of the positive transformation of vital sectors of our national life such as public infrastructure, power supply, oil and gas, transportation, education, health and agricultural development. We will continue to work diligently in 2013 to ensure that our efforts in these areas are carried forward to full fruition in fulfillment of our promise of better public services and improved living conditions for all Nigerians.

6. We will give priority attention in the coming year to flood and erosion control, the rehabilitation and expansion of existing federal roads, improved power supply, as well as the continued rehabilitation, upgrading and reactivation of the national rail network.

7. Employment generation and wealth creation will also remain a primary objective of our sociology-economic agenda for 2013. Creating more employment opportunities for our youth and graduates of our universities is an imperative that will continue to underpin our drive for massive economic growth, the rapid expansion of our manufacturing and industrial base, and the productive diversification of our national economy. In this regard, we will continue to provide the necessary enabling environment for the private sector to thrive.

8. As peace and security remain pre-requisite conditions for the full realization of our objectives, we will also do more in 2013 to further empower our security agencies who are working in collaborative partnerships with our friends in the international community to stem the scourge of terrorism in our country and enhance the security of lives and property in all parts of Nigeria.

9. I also want to assure Nigerians that we will refuse to be discouraged by those who have taken it upon themselves to pick on every initiative and effort of this administration. We remain resolutely committed to the rule of law, due process and fair play in all circumstances. Our democracy continues to grow, and the scope for human freedom continues to expand. It is an achievement that we will continue to build upon.

10. I say it again, we are determined to continue to push forward. We will do more, not less. We will remain focused.

11.For your part, dear compatriots, I urge that you all include in your new year resolutions a commitment to do more this year to support the implementation of the Federal Government’s Agenda for National Transformation in every possible way. That is all I ask for.

12. The task of making our dear nation a much better place for present and future generations cannot be left to government alone. Leaders and followers alike have critical roles to play in our march towards the fulfillment of our great national potentials.

13. Let us all therefore resolve as we celebrate the new year to place the higher interests of national unity, peace, stability and progress above all other considerations and work harder in our particular fields of human endeavour to contribute more significantly to the attainment of our collective aspirations.

14. I wish you all a happy and rewarding 2013.

15. God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR
Federal Republic of Nigeria