Sunday 16 February 2014

Letter to my Parish Council on the appointment of a non-member to re-write the history of my Church.

At a recent meeting with some members to review the past year, the issue of inviting a 'Professor' and non member of the church to write the history of the old church was raised. 

For short, we concluded that this move, if implemented will be regarded as a direct insult on the church as it has capable elders to assemble all valid documents already produced by home members like Pa Dosunmu, Sodiya, etc who wrote first hand history of the church. All we need is up-dating of events which can be done by an insider. To go ahead with an outsider will create a problem and should be stopped immediately. 

I have taken this line of action since the vicar has said, during the matter of Mr. Kuyoro, that Choir and Praise Band members were not qualified to vote at the vestry meeting. No reason was given for this order despite the fact that they take active part in donations like other societies for the upkeep of the church. That nothing has been said does not mean that the order has been taken as reasonable; it does not have the backing of the church. It was made to kick out innocent Kuyoro at that time. 

I strongly advise that the elders of the church are the only agents that can collate authentic history of the church; not a stranger, no matter his knowledge of history. Our members who are now asked to write what they know of the church, to be submitted to a stranger to put together, can as well put the whole together to form the desired history of the church with personal touch. 

Each of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John wrote the history of Jesus based on what they knew of him. They didn't write what other people told them. 

Please stop this move to get our church history written by a stranger writing from what is supplied by insiders. This will be a disservice to the church. We have adequately qualified linguists and sons and daughters of the church who know all the details about the church to come up with history that cannot be faulted. 

It is never too late to turn back no matter how far one has gone the wrong path........(ancient Chinese proverb). 

Koya Fatuga. 
Church Choir.