Monday 17 March 2014

We Are Better Now Than Our Fore-Fathers (Year 10 Classwork)

           I am here to support the motion that we are better than our forefathers.
 During the days of our forefathers they were limited in their resources, so majority of them were not able to use brain power to its full extent.  In our generation we have successful people who have picked up from were our forefathers stopped and we have made them better.
Computers now our days look better and work better than the way they were in the olden days. We have better communication skills than our forefathers.
In terms of Agriculture we are better than our forefathers, doe not all of us now use natural methods to grow our crops, we use mechanical methods.
Our Forefathers during their days of school they were limited to things they could learn and thus not everybody could make it in life. Our schooling system now is better than our forefathers, we have more subjects to offer to the youths and more equipments to use to teach them.
In terms of ratio we are 6:1 better than our forefathers in terms of producing prodigies. Almost everyday we produce a prodigy. In the olden days they were only up to a handful of people who became something in life compared to us now.
Most children at the age of 7 years can use electronic devices as good as some adults. Everyday we make something new or we improve what our forefathers have made. Eg Our Forefathers made the computers, Phones and etc but we have improved them to an extent that could not have been imagined during their time.
Our Forefathers did not have ICT during their time or they were not able to use to its full extent like us. ICT has helped us in terms of education, Banking, Industry, Commerce and etc.
We have made a lot of things to help us in our life like Joystick, Touch Screens, Sensors, Webcams and speakers.
Our forefathers were obedient, and listened to their seniors unlike us now but we are gradually increasing in terms of morals by making delinquent camps and sending some students their to be trained and helped.
The world has greatly increased in general because of all the things we have found or discovered. In the olden days our forefathers found it hard to get gold and etc but we are able to find majority of this things now easily.
The internet was invented by Robert E. Kanh and Vint Cerf. Bill Gates is currently the richest man in the world, he uses part of his money to help the poor and the sick, our forefathers had rich men but majority refused to use their money to help the poor instead they spent it on themselves and some times their families depending on the person. The rich in our society try to help the poor unlike during the olden days when it was every man for themselves.
We have equipments which help us know when natural disasters are about to occur unlike the olden days when no one had a clue when it was going to happen.
This are the reasons why I say that we are better than our forefathers in terms of majority.

Name: Maduegbuna Anyike

Class: Year 10

 How are we better than our fore fathers?
Day before Yesterday a mother got weepy when she wanted to see the face of her son, yesterday she weeps having son's photo in hands and today she can get a smile after clicking a button for video conferences.

This world is moving toward more development since its inception. Long days before people were living in caves and eating raw foods. When stone era moved forward then wooden homes cam and cooked food. Wooden era passed and semi developed era came; people became educated and followed many philosophies. Many years philosophical era, a developed era came and people reached the moon. Now we are in super developed era and moving towards exploration of new worlds. While getting a visible big edge on our fore fathers we got help of numerous branches of knowledge tree. These adding branches are technology, science, religion, economics, entertainment, social empowerment and many more. Growth of these areas of knowledge helps us to make our life considerably better than our fore fathers. One can say Our Fore fathers were better than their fore fathers and we our better than both.

Our developed world is the major fruit of technological development. Just before some centuries, a story became super hit that was the story of Ilaf lela. Ilaf lella was a story in which hero communicate to his heron having a virtual meeting in air. The story got highly famous because people amazed by the impossibility of airy visual communication. Inetrnat, is the real existence of that imaginary hero today. People can communicate,watch,write,read,learn,play and search instantly on the internat.All most all the knowledge of the world is present in the store room of internate,limitless,distanceless,most fastest and most developed symbol of technology up till now.

Communication, Letter took half a month to reach second corner of the same country. Patience of the receiver was inexpressible painful experience while waiting for the letter of any loved one. Often message was post time or expired caused tremendous loss, emotionally, economically and morally. Having access to telephone, fax, telegram, wirless, satlite and mobile made that painful wait a pleasurable feeling to get message on time and without wait.

Media, no check and balance on the crime and misconduct of powerful. Poor was the only victim of all laws, rules and exploitation. Now if the president of super power has a scandal with any female it turns into a trial. Media, not only an invisible hand to control the torrent of corruption of big floods it also give power to powerless streams to flow in the right path. Human rights, female rights, children rights and labour rights were some of the dark corner which are lime lighted by media of the day.

Religiously, when fore father started thinking about his existence then philosophies came that made fore fathers philosophers. Further, Divine religions gave the real definition of human and informed human about the secrets of universe that made fore fathers religious. Subsequently Scientific revolution shaded the clear picture of religion; he started believing on science and looses the focus on religion. Now we have balance of science and religion. As religion become the focal point of all school of thoughts firstly because scientist themselves proving the scientific theories wrong secondly science becomes the way to reveal the secrets of nature already told by the GOD.

Religion was either sideline or politically used by our fore fathers. As the case of USA colonization, where catholic and Protestants were at war with each other. Afghanistan, a region always used as a war field on the name of religion. Israel captured the native land of Palestine on the name of religion by claiming Jerusalem only their religious place. Now religious openly under discussion and people consider it a code of peaceful life not code of bloodshed. Religious fanatics are present in all religion and highly condemned by all the followers of religions.

Economically, fore fathers were hostages of limited opportunities. A large number of mans were compel to do the agriculture, some of them were trader and some are military man. Seasonal unemployment to formers, long and dangerous journeys to traders, frequent wars to military man were the hard part of their professions. Today, machines, airplanes and atomic bomb removed all previous hard hurdles faced by fore fathers. Free market economy also open up the doors of merit for all to do job of one's own taste and talent.
Goldsmith a person used to defraud his clients and morally and economically injured the society of our fore fathers. Today banking replaces that corruption by a fear and save facilities for the customers. Banking, another world of employment and fantastic financial services for everyman not only made life easy but also a place to earn profit conventionally and Islamically.

Prince of one state used to dethrone another on the basis of credit default. Rich state can control the poor by lending money to that state and poor state then lost freedom of everything. Now I.M.f, World bank, interstate lending and funding made dethroning of any state a story of past. Any state can get credit from any national or international institutes in hard times. Multinationals investors are investing in the all corners of the globe making it more better place to live.

Since long times moon was considered as a stick of cheese. Now it is a joke to laugh at mans past understanding. Today, man stepped the moon and elaborated all its characteristics. Space is explored by man; stations were built in space, artificial satellites revolving in various orbits of earth to assist the today's man.

Previously, life was confined to the visible movement of animals and plants were considered lifeless. Mentally sick patients considered as a ghost arrested one. Now bio sciences, mind sciences, metaphysical, social sciences 180 degree changes the man's approach. Thousands and thousands undiscovered species have been discovered by today's man and open up new chapters of understanding the psychology of man. Surgeries, medicines touched their new horizons, in terms of heart transplantation, hair transplantation face surgery, cancer fighting drugs and many more.

Traditionally there was a concept of whole; people seldom concentrate on the composition of the elements. Human cells and atoms infrastructure were something completely unknown to fore fathers. Man of our age removed unthinkable curtails of secrecy and bring the tiny but essential parts of composition of matter. How can an atom becomes horrible atomic bomb, only an experience of this age man. In Past, every day wars became history and now threat of atomic power barked all most countries from wagging wars, very few wars after inventing nukes is a real proof of the discussion.

Socially, fore fathers life revolved around their nation only. A few were able to travel across the borders to get a chance of cross culture experience. They hardly knew about the culture, language and way of life of their glob fellows. Today anyone can study other cultures, languages and can virtually meet them whenever he wants. Face book, twitter, yahoo, Msn and many more are the vehicles to drive at all social paths.

Fore fathers entertained by festivals once or twice a year. Today, entertainment beyond time bards, we can attend annual festivals as annual games, semi-annual as on Eids, monthly as on picnic, weekly as on outdoor dinner, daily as on dramas, hourly as on news and instantly as on internet. Moreover reverse back to past is also possible if you saved your moments in storage devices.

Case history of freedom to broad caste any idea was Rare in the era of fore fathers. Contrarily, every voice is free, every mind is free and every hand is free to broad caste his work on the social platform. Freedom of voice and rights to broad caste gives real life to human power that wasn't the story of past.

In a nut shell, as a Negative is dark before development and becomes a bright picture after its development. Same was the story of this world, dark for our fore fathers and bright for us. The Neagtive was dark by the darkness of unawareness and we brighten the same negative by throwing light of technology, religious broad studies, scincetific miracles, social freedom and economically well beings. Modern innovations initiate men to live more comfortable life. The day is not far from us, when our tribes stepping Mars for colonizing...

Over the years as technology advanced, the morale of mankind can be put in question when it is compared to our ancestors, the reason being not only morally but also physically, spiritually, and mentally.
So many problems have been caused due to these various factors and it has gathered much attention. Often times when we are compared with our fore-fathers we seem to be better due to the various improvements due to the technological aspect but it is still very controversial if other important aspects are compared.
Morally we fall behind due to the various criminal and social offences that troubles are society every day. For instance if the crime rate was compared between our century and 50 years ago it would be easy to conclude that our criminal situation is greater if compared to back then. Also it has been theoretically proven that we are less empathic than our fore-fathers. There has also been an increase in indiscipline and neglection of good morale, For instance there is such a large amount of drop-outs from school, apart from that there has always been the problem of teenage pregnancy but as of this present time the numbers have gone up with an over-whelming amount. Also the spirituality of much people there was better than what it is now, due to the fact that most people especially teenagers have such disregard for their spiritual life and do not seem to be bothered if the world ended in the next moment. Even with the presence of modern infrastructure to help make living easier, most people still don’t have proper houses to live in. The creation of more advanced weaponry has caused so many civilians their lives and property; this has caused more harm than good and is just another reason why we are not better than our fore-fathers. The corruption level has also increased over the years and there doesn’t seem to be any declination of that factor. We are in the age of twenty-first century which is greatly marked with various modern facilities of life. But it is sometimes believed that our modern life is not providing us with great happiness which was tested by our forefathers.The world is going on. The course of this world is obvious and non-stop. The creation of humans on earth by Allah is a long story. Man has been on this earth from time immemorial. The life-style of our forefather differs from that of us to a great extent. It is said often that our forefathers were happier and luckier than we are and i completely agree with that. But if there should be any later on comparism between our fore-fathers and ourselves we are clearly not better than they are, and there should always be a space for improvement so we can one day be able to confidently say we are better than our ancestors, but until then improvement is very necessary.

By: Jason Osoba.

 We are better now than our fore fathers
Good day panel of judges, accurate time-keeper and my distinguished guests, I am here to support the notion that we are better now than our forefathers. From the beginning of the world we are really born naturally to fulfill the curiosity which we have in mind. That is why anywhere we go we can see different inventions, in fact they come now in variety of brands that we are opted to select. As advance technology vastly developing, name it and we can have it all because we are operated with computers and electronic devices. In fact, as young as six years old, children are already becoming hooked to computers and other gadgets like online games and PSP. Let us see how really technologies greatly develop from nothing to Stone Age and lastly into a world full of machines and equipments which can change our lives forever.

The television that we enjoy watching today comes from many processes. In ancient time, televisions are usually in optical screens, black and white images, few channels, and with an antenna attach to their back. But today there are many huge varieties of televisions which we can have and hold. They really appear in liquid crystal display and plasma display, with great sound systems and in flat screens for a clearer vision. Not only that, because the new innovations are those televisions that comes in multi touch touchscreen. This only means that we can control everything while watching. If we have one of this in our house, we are like watching movie in the theatre anytime we want or even every day.

On the other hand, computers are one of the technologies that greatly evolve, most especially because they can make our work easier, well-organize and convenient than using the old ways of writing and computing files. From bulky computers with CPU, keyboards and mouse, have changed into portable laptops and net book which help us access Internet immediately. New inventions of computers include the changes of their different screens like becoming glass touch screen. We better take note that we don’t have to use our mouse or keyboard because they are operated with just a touch of our hand. It feels like we are writing in our notepad, yet so easy. 

Our communication systems like telephones have also change. From being bulky analogs and broken lines have transformed into a small and handy mobile phones. There are among them that can also be used trough touch screens. Other things are that fax machine, Internet for chat and emails keep our communication often to our love ones and to other people.

We can hardly identify everything that has change because all of them even us people have revolutionize and already adapted these modern era’s way of living. Such like, we prefer to run in the treadmill than go outside for our exercise. We select to buy online than taking our family to shop in the mall. It is also easier if we order food then to cook our own. But one thing is sure from all of these, these make our lives more comfortable and trouble-free. But we should not also be abusing these gadgets and equipments because we are made being human, therefore we also need to work hard.

Around the world today, people usually wonder if their forefather’s time were better than today. My own comment about the statement” we are better now than our fore-fathers” is true, my reasons will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
                    Firstly, my reason is; during the time of our fore-fathers electricity was not developed into the devices we now use today, which has been very effective making the lives of people today easy. Also the fact that, electricity has given people of today: job opportunities, marketing (buying and selling), being in contact with people around the world using electrical devices e.g. computers, tracking devices, phones, even game consoles, e.t.c
                     The agricultural activities done by the people today is easier and better than the time of our fore-fathers, because our fore-fathers’ used domestic animals like cows to plough through on a piece of land to grow seeds, today the cows’ job is being replaced by a mechanical machine called the tractor.
                       During the times of war or combat of our fore-fathers’ they used non-advanced weapons like bow and arrows,swords,shields,machetes;unlike today that we use weapons like M14-rifles,AK-47 rifles, rocket launchers, missile launchers,knives,pistols, e.t.c.
                        Means of transportation. During the time of our fore-fathers their means of transportation were means of burden i.e. using animals for transportation, they include donkeys, camels, and horses. But today, our means of transportation is easier and faster, they include: planes, boat, cars, motorbikes, trains

Are We Better Than Our Forefathers?
My name is victor , I am here oppose the motion

In the 21st
 century, mankind is evolving. Now we live our lives in a manner that our forefathers did not.

If our forefathers could see the life we live now, they would be very disappointed as we are not as hardworking as they were. They worked day and night to achieve the smallest success. We depend on machinery to do our work and because of that, people nowadays have grown obese and lazy. Watching television too long can harm our eyes and it affects our physical fitness, yet we spend a bulk of our time in front of it. The effect of excessive TV viewing on the youth is great, which isn't something our forefathers suffered from.

Our forefathers were very social as they cared about and helped each other, but due to technology we are imprisoned in our homes and rarely leave unless we have to go out to buy something.

Religion is an important aspect in our life. Our forefathers were very faithful and strongly believed in religion, but our youth has been diverted from the religious ways by copying the West's modern ways. Their religious leaders were not as corrupt as ours are. Our forefathers had a lot of moral values but we have lost ours.

They preserved and cared for their environment by planting trees and plants, using natural fertilisers and not using harmful substances. Since there was no industrialisation, there were no factories or cars to release harmful gases such as carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases which may lead to global warming. There was no air pollution so the air was fresh all the time. Today people are suffering from respiratory diseases and other sicknesses because of industrialism.

Our forefathers were better than us as they lived simple, religious, clean and happy lives, so we should try to adopt their good aspects.