Tuesday 18 December 2012


Husband was seriously ill. Doctor said to wife :-Give him healthy breakfast, be pleasant & in good mood, don’t discuss ur problems, no tv serial, don't demand new clothes & gold jewels, Do this for 1 yr & he will be ok. On the way home.. Husband :- wat did the doc say ? Wife :- No chance for u to survive

An Airline Introduced a Special Package For Business Men: Buy Ur Ticket Get Ur Wife's Ticket Free. After Great Success, The Company Sent Letters To All The Wives Asking How Was The Trip. All Of Them Gave the Same Reply..."Which Trip ?"

Perfect example of confidence: A junior in an office dialed his boss's number by mistake & said : Hey, send a coffee in my cabin in two minutes !...........boss shouted : do you know whom you're talking to ?!!!!!! Junior : no! Boss: i'm the boss of this office. Junior (in the same tone) : And do u know whom you're talking to? Boss: no! Junior: thank God. (and disconnected the phone)

(An oxymoron is usually defined as a phrase in which two words of contradictory meaning are brought together) 1) Clearly misunderstood (2) Exact Estimate (3) Small Crowd (4) Act Naturally (5) Found Missing (6) Fully Empty (7) Pretty ugly (8) Seriously funny (9) Only choice (10) Original copies & the Mother of all (11) Happily Married

''An Intelligent Wife Is One Who Makes Sure She Spends So Much That Her Husband Can't Afford Another Woman" lol

What is the perfect example of both Good & Bad Luck? The naughty wind blows the girl's skirt high (Good luck) but at the same time Dust falls into the boy's eyes (Bad luck)

Doctor:Madam, your husband needs rest and please here are some sleeping pills. Wife: Doc, when should I give them to him? Doctor:They are for you.!!

Human brain is the most outstanding object in world. It functions 24 hours a day,
365 days a year. It functions right from the time we are born, and stop only when
we enter the examination hall. Funny!

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